More little moments from summer... These are all from my phone, so the quality stinks. But they're still worth sharing!
Ouch! Had a bad fall on the wood floor. It was all cleared up the next morning! |
Have I ever mentioned how HAPPY I am that this kid loves to read! |
Thinking he's a big boy in the bench with a big boy drink! |
I went to the bathroom, and came out to dog food EVERYWHERE! Notice the glowing eyes down the hall? That's Nick, he's worried that he's in trouble! |
Push mower becomes riding mower! |
I LOVE this picture. What a cutie! |
E loves to help with EVERYTHING! |
Camping chair, sippy, and animal crackers. Does it get any better? |
Aunt Jenn did some somersaults with him, now he's ready for more! |
This is why it's SO hard to get anything done around here! |
"Mixing" the dog food. I think he likes to play with dog food! |
One of my favorite pictures of the summer - BELLY BUTTON! |
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