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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Smart Kid

I love watching moments like this one:

First, E got a package from Aunt Jenn and Aunt Jannette. In it, there was a Mater cup. He immediately ran into the kitchen with it and got himself some water from the fridge (he can reach it now. Boo.).

After making a mess, we pushed the lock button on the water. When he realized no water was coming out, he went and got his stool out of the pantry and used it to get a closer look to try to fix the problem. He noticed immediately that when he pushed for water, the lock button beeped and flashed. So he started messing with that button. Luckily, he didn't figure out that you have to hold it for 3 seconds.

All I can say is that we are in SOOOOOO much trouble.


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