We started out Christmas Eve at Gigi's house, but we made a big mistake. She had bought him one of those sticks that makes noise from the dollar store, and he wouldn't let go of it. It didn't matter that he was surrounded by presents. He only wanted the stick. This first picture is of him screaming at us because I tried to take the wrapping paper off for him. He'll clench his fists and stiffen up and get angry! I told Tracy that next year she just needs to spend a dollar on him again!

"My precious."
Again, with the stick. I think we mostly got pictures with the stick.

Once we were finally able to hide the stick, he realized he had some pretty cool new toys!

We did much better at our next stop on Christmas Eve to Maw-Maw's house. He loved his new toy there, and the ribbon too!

Sitting in Great Grandpa Hays' chair.

Checking out the present from Santa - a rocking horse!

At church on Christmas morning - matching with Daddy in his shirt and tie!

After church, we opened some of the other presents. He loved this puppy book from Grammy and Papa.

More stuff at Christmas dinner at Uncle Steve and Aunt Toni's house.

While we ate Christmas dinner, E took a little siesta.

This picture is for Grammy and Papa - notice how he's sitting?

Playing "Knock over the Cups" with Uncle Steve.

So happy to play, play, play.

Chilling with Ryan.