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Monday, November 17, 2014

Aunt Jenn

Aunt Jenn always brings out the wild and crazy in the kids. She captured this moment and called it "Monkey See, Monkey Do." We always love when she visits!

Sunday, November 16, 2014


Susie always keeps us on our toes. We have a gate to block off the kitchen, because she climbs on everything and there are so many dangers in the kitchen. Well, the other day someone left the gate open, and she snuck in there and climbed up to find a doughnut. When I came out of my room, she was in the hall, shoving it in her mouth as quickly as she could. Then she smiled at me with a huge, sneaky grin. We're in so much trouble!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Hiking - Hanging Rock

We celebrated Veteran's Day by spending some family time at Hanging Rock. It was a perfect day for hiking. Emmett was a hiking machine - we did a few miles! He even had to carry his backpack because Daddy and Mommy had backpacks! The thing I thought was really cute is that he had to bring his dog along because the dogs came with us too. So sweet! And there's nothing like trail snacks while admiring the view. So much fun!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Walnut Cove Festival

Cam was busy on this Saturday, so I took the kids to the Walnut Cove "Back in the Day" Festival. It was SO much fun. They had wordworking stations set up where kids could make a free light saber. FREE. When does that happen anymore? There was no line! Emmett loved it.

They also had booths about sheep shearing, spinning, apple press (SO yummy!), quilting, old-fashioned games, etc. I got to see a former student which is always fun. Susie also got a free rag doll. It really was the funnest little festival. I'm so glad we went.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Wink Wink

Someone learned how to wink, and it's adorable!