This is the view from Cam's parents' house. I forgot how much I missed having the mountains right there, especially for sunrises!

E's first trip to Cafe Rio. He was so excited that it completely wore him out. He has never fallen asleep sitting up like this, especially in a loud restaurant!

Great Grandparents in the morning - A four generation photo. They're all the oldest sons. This is also the name tradition - the oldest son gets the dad's name as his middle name. We had a great day with great grandma and grandpa Johnson!

Great grandparents in the afternoon. We drove in the complete opposite direction to visit my grandparents. They loved seeing E, and I suppose me and Cam too!

E can't really play on our kitchen floor much because the dogs will knock him over. But at Grandma and Grandpa's house, he LOVED playing with magnets on the dishwasher, and he also learned really quickly how to scoot around on his butt to get around the kitchen!
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